
Ref is used to create non-proxy objects within a Store (proxy object), which are not managed by the Store (i.e., they are not proxied).

Such state is similar to regular JavaScript objects; they are not tracked, so changes made to them will not trigger update notifications. This is suitable for scenarios where you do not want the Store to proxy and track, but you want to ensure a consistent user experience. For example, storing DOM elements, File objects, and other unstructured data.

import { ref } from '@shined/reactive';

const store = create({ 
  count: 0,
  inputValue: 'Hello',
  fileRef: ref({
    file: null as File | null
  tableRef: ref({
    tableEl: null as HTMLTableElement | null

// ✅ You should do this, which is to only change the properties inside the ref object, not the ref object itself
store.tableRef.tableEl = document.getElementById('table');
store.fileRef.file = new File([''], 'example.txt');

// ✅ Then you can operate on the non-proxy state inside, such as reading and writing
store.tableRef.tableEl.addEventListener('click', () => {
  console.log('table clicked');
store.fileRef.file.text().then(text => {

// ❌ Do not change the ref object itself, as it will lead to unexpected behavior
store.tableRef = { tableEl: document.getElementById('table') };
store.fileRef = { file: new File([''], 'example.txt') };