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❓ How to store unproxied state in reactive

You can use ref to do that. It is useful in the case that you want to nest an object in a proxy that is not wrapped in an inner proxy, but mind yourself, its changes is will NOT be tracked.

Head to ref for more details.

❓ When passing state to input element, an exception occurred while typing Chinese

State mutations are batched synchronously by default before triggering re-render to optimize rendering. If you want to disable it (such as consumed by <input /> element), you can set sync option to true when creating snapshot to avoid this issue.

const store = create({ inputValue: '' })

function App() {
  const inputValue = store.useSnapshot((s) => s.inputValue, { sync: true })

  return (
      onChange={(e) => {
        store.mutate.inputValue =

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