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What is Reactive?

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⚛️ Reactive is a state management library for JavaScript applications, offering many features that make it both easy to use and powerful.

  • 🧩 Flexible to use: Want to change store state? Just mutate it anywhere you want.
  • 😊 User-Friendly: Cover over 80% of the use cases with create method.
  • ⚡️ Optimized Performance: Leverages Proxy API to provide the best performance.
  • 🏄 Unopinionated: Works well both in React and Vanilla JS.
  • 🦄 TypeScript Support: Written in TypeScript, fully typed, better DX.
  • 🛠️ DevTools Integration: Out-of-the-box Redux DevTools compatibility.

Head over to the installation section to get started.

Try it Online

You can try Reactive online on CodeSandbox.

Example of React

Here is a simple example of using Reactive in a React application.

import { create } from '@shined/reactive'

const store = create({ count: 1 })

function App() {
  const count = store.useSnapshot((s) => s.count)

  return (
      <p>Count is {count}</p>
      <button onClick={() => store.mutate.count++}>increment</button>

For more information, see React Usage or API Reference.

Mutate Freely, Consume Safely

Reactive adopts a read-write separation approach, offering a straightforward way to mutate the state through the store.mutate object. When you need to change the state, simply alter it!

export function increment() {

export function updateUserInfo() { = { name: 'Alice' }

For consumption, it provide a simple method of accessing state via useSnapshot() in React and getSnapshot() in Vanilla JS to ensure security. This approach generates non-extensible snapshot states to prevent accidental modifications.

// in React component
const count = store.useSnapshot((s) => s.count)
const { count } = store.useSnapshot()

// in vanilla JS/TS
import { getSnapshot } from '@shined/reactive/vanilla'
const { count } = getSnapshot(store.mutate)

Optional Render Optimization

Furthermore, Reactive provides an optional render optimization feature.

// only re-render when `count` changes
const count = store.useSnapshot((s) => s.count)

You can use selector to specify the state you want to listen to, which will only re-render when the specified state changes. By default, component that has used whole snapshot will trigger a re-render when any part of the state changes if you don't specify the selector.

Click to see example
import { create } from '@shined/reactive'

const store = create({
  name: 'Bob',
  age: 18,
  hobbies: ['swimming', 'running'],
  address: {
    city: {
      name: 'New York',

function App() {
  // re-render when ANY part of the state changes
  const state = store.useSnapshot()

  // only re-render when `city` object changes
  const { name: cityName } = store.useSnapshot((s) =>

  // only re-render when `hobbies` object changes
  const [hobby1, hobby2] = store.useSnapshot((s) => s.hobbies)

  // only re-render when `name` changes
  const name = store.useSnapshot((s) =>

  return <div>{name}</div>

export default App

Released under the MIT License.