
A React Hook to run async functions with extra loading state that indicates whether the promise is pending.


Click to mock fetch, and check the loading state.

click to fetch


See API for more details.


Click links below to view source on GitHub.


const { run, loading, value, error, refresh, cancel, mutate, params } = useAsyncFn(asyncFn, options)


A function that returns a promise.


export interface UseAsyncFnOptions<T extends AnyFunc, D = Awaited<ReturnType<T>>, E = any> { /** * Initial data to be used as the initial value * * @defaultValue undefined */ initialValue?: D /** * Initial parameters passed to fetcher when first mount * * @defaultValue [] */ initialParams?: Gettable<Promisable<Parameters<T> | []>> /** * whether to run the async function immediately on component mount * * @defaultValue false */ immediate?: boolean /** * whether to clear the value before running the function * * @defaultValue false */ clearBeforeRun?: boolean /** * whether to cancel the async function when the component is unmounted * * @defaultValue true */ cancelOnUnmount?: boolean /** * a function to run when the async function throws an error * * @defaultValue undefined */ onError?: (error: E | undefined) => void /** * a function to run before the async function * * @defaultValue undefined */ onBefore?: (value: D | undefined, params: Parameters<T> | []) => void /** * a function to run after the async function * * @defaultValue undefined */ onSuccess?: (value: D, params: Parameters<T> | []) => void /** * a function to run after the async function * * @defaultValue undefined */ onFinally?: (value: D | undefined, params: Parameters<T> | []) => void /** * a function to run when the async function is cancelled * * @defaultValue undefined */ onCancel?: (value: D | undefined, params: Parameters<T> | []) => void /** * a function to run when the value is mutated * * @defaultValue undefined */ onMutate?: (value: D | undefined, params: Parameters<T> | []) => void /** * a function to run when the value is refreshed * * @defaultValue undefined */ onRefresh?: (value: D | undefined, params: Parameters<T> | []) => void /** * Custom cache comparison function, true means the cache is the same * * @defaultValue shallowEqual */ compare?: (prevData: D | undefined, nextData: D | undefined) => boolean }


export type UseAsyncFnMutateAction<D, P> = | [D | undefined] | [D | undefined, P | undefined] | [(prevData: D | undefined, preParams?: P) => [D, P | undefined]] export interface UseAsyncFnReturns<T extends AnyFunc, D = Awaited<ReturnType<T>>, E = any> { /** * a function to run the async function */ run: T /** * a function to refresh the async function */ refresh: (params?: Parameters<T> | []) => Promise<D | undefined> /** * a function to cancel the async function */ cancel: () => void /** * manually set the value */ mutate: (...actions: UseAsyncFnMutateAction<D | undefined, Parameters<T> | []>) => void /** * whether the async function is loading */ loading: boolean /** * the error thrown by the async function */ error: E | undefined /** * the value returned by the async function */ value: D | undefined /** * the parameters passed to the async function */ params: Parameters<T> | [] }