
This Hook is available since v1.7.0.

A React Hook for managing form state.

  • When used with the native <form />, it operates in uncontrolled mode, meaning changes to the form do not trigger component re-renders. (Ultimate performance)
  • When used with third-party component libraries, it works well in the regular controlled mode, such as with shineout and so on.


  • Form state management scenario: Manage the state of each form field, achieving updates for the entire form or individual fields
  • Form validation and submission scenario: Implement validation and submission operations for form data
  • Dynamic form scenario: Dynamically add or remove form items to flexibly meet complex form requirements




const { value, setValue, setFieldValue submit, reset, submitting, initialValue, handleChange, handleSubmit, handleReset, checkValidity, reportValidity, nativeProps, } = useForm(options) // Example usage const form = useForm({ initialValues: { name: 'John Doe', email: 'hi@john.doe', }, onSubmit: (form) => { console.log(form) }, }) // form.nativeProps are used to pass down properties to the native form element // form.submitting is used to check if the form is currently submitting // form.submit() is used to submit the form // form.reset() is used to reset the form // form.setValue() is used to modify the entire form value // form.setFieldValue() is used to set a single form field value // form.checkValidity() validates the form's validity, underlyingly calling the native form's checkValidity method, only valid for native forms // form.reportValidity() validates and reports the form's validity, underlyingly calling the native form's reportValidity method, only valid for native forms // When using native form elements in uncontrolled mode, but internally controlling the form's ref // An internal mechanism ensures that executing `setValue` and `setFieldValue` operations synchronizes with UI state return ( <form {...form.nativeProps}> <label>Name:<input type="text" name="name" /></label> <label>Email:<input type="email" name="email" /></label> <button disabled={form.submitting} type="submit">Submit</button> <button type="reset">Reset</button> </form> ) // When using a component library, controlled mode, e.g., shineout return ( <Form value={form.value} onChange={form.onChange} onSubmit={form.onSubmit} onReset={form.onReset} defaultValue={form.initialValue} > <Form.Item label="姓名"><Input type="text" name="name" /></Form.Item> <Form.Item label="邮箱"><Input type="email" name="email" /></Form.Item> <Form.Submit loading={form.submitting}>提交</Form.Submit> <Form.Reset>重置</Form.Reset> </Form> )


Click links below to view source on GitHub.


const form = useForm(options)


export interface UseFormOptions<FormState extends object> { /** * Initial value of the form * * @defaultValue {} */ initialValue?: FormState /** * Callback to be called when the form value changes * * @defaultValue undefined */ onChange?(form: FormState): void /** * Callback to be called when the form is submitted * * @defaultValue undefined */ onSubmit?(form: FormState): void /** * Callback to be called when the form is reset * * @defaultValue undefined */ onReset?(): void /** * When use `nativeProps`, whether to prevent default when the form is submitted * * @defaultValue true */ preventDefaultWhenSubmit?: boolean /** * Whether to emit extra change event when the form is reset * * @defaultValue false * * @deprecated will be removed in the next major version, please avoid using */ triggerOnChangeWhenReset?: boolean }


export type UseFormReturnsNativeProps = { /** * Ref of the form element */ ref: RefObject<HTMLFormElement | null> /** * Callback to be called when the form value changes */ onChange(e: ChangeEvent<HTMLFormElement>): void /** * Callback to be called when the form is submitted */ onSubmit(e: ChangeEvent<HTMLFormElement>): void /** * Callback to be called when the form is reset */ onReset(e: ChangeEvent<HTMLFormElement>): void } export interface UseFormReturns<FormState extends object> { /** * Whether the form is submitting */ submitting: boolean /** * Set the new value of the whole form */ setValue: ReactSetState<FormState> /** * Set a field value of the form */ setFieldValue<Name extends keyof FormState>(name: Name, value: FormState[Name]): void /** * Reset the form to its initial value */ reset(): void /** * Submit the form */ submit(): void /** * Current value of the form */ value: FormState /** * Initial value of the form */ initialValue: FormState /** * handle form value changes */ handleChange(form: FormState): void /** * handle form submit */ handleSubmit(form: FormState): void /** * handle form reset */ handleReset(): void /** * Check and report the native form validity, only valid for native form */ reportValidity(): boolean /** * Check the native form validity, only valid for native form */ checkValidity(): boolean /** * Native form related props */ nativeProps: UseFormReturnsNativeProps }