This Hook is available since v1.7.0.
A low-level React Hook designed to facilitate the use of "versioned" actions, commonly employed in asynchronous scenarios for filtering operations to ensure only the latest action is executed.
- Asynchronous operation filtering: Handling multiple asynchronous operations, executing only the latest operation, ignoring "expired" ones.
When doSomething()
is called consecutively, only the most recent operation is executed, avoiding "expired" operations that could lead to screen flicker or unexpected results.
const [incVersion, runVersionedAction] = useVersionedAction()
const doSomething = async () => {
// Increment the version number with incVersion()
const version = incVersion()
// Asynchronous operation, like fetching data
const result = await fetchSomething()
// Ensure only the latest action is executed with runVersionedAction()
runVersionedAction(version, async () => {
Click links below to view source on GitHub.
const [incVersion, runVersionedAction] = useVersionedAction()
export type UseVersionedActionReturns = readonly [
* Increment the version number and return the current version number
incVersion: () => number,
* Executes the versioned operation, only if the version number matches, ensuring that only the latest action is executed
runVersionedAction: <T extends AnyFunc>(version: number, handler: T) => ReturnType<T> | undefined,