
This Hook is available since v1.7.0.

A React Hook designed to handle infinite lists, supporting scenarios such as infinite scrolling, click-to-load-more, and equipped with features for data fetching, bottom detection, form management, pagination, multi-selection, and loading status.

useInfiniteList is a higher-order encapsulation of the following Hooks:

  • useInfiniteScroll offers bottom detection and data loading completion checks.
  • useForm provides form management functionalities for search, filtering, etc.
  • useAsyncFn offers data fetching and lifecycle management functionalities.
  • usePagination manages pagination states and parameters.
  • useMultiSelect provides multi-selection states, commonly used for batch operations.


useInfiniteList = Infinite Scrolling / Click-to-Load + Automatic Pagination Management + Form Filtering (Optional) + Multi-Select Operations (Optional)



1. Scroll to Load More

Current Page:
Next Request Page:
Data Count:
Load Done:
No selected

2. Click to Load More


interface Item { id: number; name: string; } interface Data { data: Item[]; total: number; } interface FormState { name: string; gender: string; color: string[]; } const ref = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null) // The target element for bottom detection, needed only for scroll loading const { list, // The list of return values composed of the data returned by fetcher, Data[] fullList, // The item list formed by unfolding the list in the data returned by fetcher, Item[] form, // Form state and operations selection, // Multi-selection state and operations paginationState, // Pagination state, information of the requested page loading, // Loading state isLoadDone // Whether the loading is completed } = useInfiniteList<Data, Item, FormState>({ target: ref, // The target element for bottom detection, needed only for scroll loading fetcher: fetchPagination, // Function to fetch data mapFullList: (d) =>, // Map function for obtaining data list from every return canLoadMore: (previousData, dataList, fullList) => { if (!previousData) return true // If there is no result from the last request, it means it's the first load // Continue loading if the current list length is less than the total, otherwise stop loading return fullList.length < }, form: { // Configure useForm initialValue: { name: '', gender: 'Boy', color: ['Red'], }, }, pagination: { pageSize: 10 }, // Configure usePagination immediateQueryKeys: ['color', 'gender'], // Form fields for immediate querying }) return ( <div> <MyForm form={form} /> <div ref={ref} className="h-360px overflow-scroll"> <MyInfiniteScrollList list={fullList} /> </div> </div> )


Click links below to view source on GitHub.


const { list, fullList, form, selection, paginationState, loading, isLoadDone } = useInfiniteList<Data, Item, FormState>(options)


export interface UseInfiniteListOptions< Data, Item, FormState extends object, Fetcher extends AnyFunc, Container extends HTMLElement, > { /** * The container element for bottom detection */ target?: ElementTarget<Container> /** * Data fetching function, able to return data similar to { data: Item[], total: number } */ fetcher?: Fetcher /** * Data mapping function, for obtaining the data list from each return */ mapFullList?: (data: Data) => Item[] /** * Form options, for configuring `useForm`, refer to `useForm` for more details */ form?: UseFormOptions<FormState> /** * Asynchronous function options, for configuring `useAsyncFn`, refer to `useAsyncFn` for more details */ asyncFn?: Omit<UseAsyncFnOptions<Fetcher, Data, any>, 'initialParams'> /** * Pagination data options, for configuring `usePagination`, refer to `usePagination` for more details */ pagination?: UsePaginationOptions<Data> /** * Function to decide whether more items can be loaded */ canLoadMore?: (previousData: Data | undefined, dataList: Data[], fullList: Item[]) => boolean /** * Scroll loading options, for configuring `useInfiniteScroll`, refer to `useInfiniteScroll` for more details */ infiniteScroll?: Omit<UseInfiniteScrollOptions<Data>, 'canLoadMore'> /** * Immediate query form fields, when form fields change, reset data and start a new round of queries */ immediateQueryKeys?: (keyof FormState)[] }


The return value includes useInfiniteScroll's return value, refer to useInfiniteScroll for more details.

export interface UseInfiniteListReturns<Data, Item, FormState extends object> extends Omit<UseInfiniteScrollReturns, 'reset'> { /** * Resets all states and restarts querying */ reset: () => void /** * Form state and operations */ form: UseFormReturns<FormState> /** * Loading state */ list: Data[] /** * Whether the loading is completed */ fullList: Item[] /** * Multi-selection state and operations */ selection: UseMultiSelectReturnsState<Item> & UseMultiSelectReturnsActions<Item> /** * Pagination state */ paginationState: UsePaginationReturnsState<Data> }