
This Hook is available since v1.6.0.

A React Hook that helps to render large lists (known as Virtual List) more efficiently by rendering only the items that are visible to the user, supporting dynamic heights, horizontal and vertical scrolling, and more.


  • Long list performance optimization: By only rendering the elements within the visible area, the scrolling performance of long lists is optimized.
  • Dynamic content size handling: Supports dynamically calculating and rendering the items within the visible area based on the content size.



Fixed Size Virtual List (Vertical, 100,000 Count)

Dynamic Size Virtual List (Horizontal, 100,000 Count)


const containerRef = useRef(null) const wrapperRef = useRef(null) const [list, actions] = useVirtualList(largeList, { // or use `querySelector` string directly: `#scroll-container` containerTarget: containerRef, // or use `querySelector` string directly: `#scroll-wrapper` wrapperTarget: wrapperRef, // ensure that the height of each item is 48 (including margin, padding, etc.) // or a function that returns the height of each item itemHeight: 48, }) // actions.scrollTo(1000) // actions.scrollToStart() // actions.scrollToEnd() // use `list[0].data` and `list[0].index` to render the item return ( <div ref={containerRef} style={{ height: 300, overflow: 'auto' }}> <div ref={wrapperRef}> { => ( <div key={item.index} style={{ height: 48 }}> {} </div> ))} </div> </div> )


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const [list, actions] = useVirtualList(largeList, options)


An arbitrary valid array containing a large amount of data.


interface UseVirtualListBaseOptions { /** * The container element, of type ElementTarget, typically the scrollable element. */ containerTarget: NonNullable<ElementTarget<HTMLElement>> /** * The wrapper element, of type ElementTarget, typically the element containing all items. * * MarginTop and height (marginLeft and width for horizontal scrolling) will be set to the total height (width) of all items. */ wrapperTarget: NonNullable<ElementTarget<HTMLElement>> /** * The number of items to additionally render outside the viewport (above and below for vertical scrolling, left and right for horizontal). * * @defaultValue 5 */ overscan?: number } interface UseVerticalVirtualListOptions<D> extends UseVirtualListBaseOptions { /** * The height of each item, or a function returning the height of each item, accepting parameters index and item. * * When `itemHeight` is set, the list is in vertical rendering mode, with higher priority than `itemWidth`. */ itemHeight: number | ((index: number, item: D) => number) } interface UseHorizontalVirtualListOptions<D> extends UseVirtualListBaseOptions { /** * The width of each item, or a function returning the width of each item, accepting parameters index and item. * * When `itemWidth` is set and `itemHeight` is not, the list is in horizontal rendering mode. */ itemWidth: number | ((index: number, item: D) => number) } export type UseVirtualListOptions<D> = UseVerticalVirtualListOptions<D> | UseHorizontalVirtualListOptions<D>


export interface UseVirtualListReturnsActions { /** * Scrolls to the item at the specified index. * * @param {Number} index The index of the item to scroll to. */ scrollTo: (index: number) => void /** * Scrolls to the start of the list, automatically using vertical or horizontal scrolling based on the options. */ scrollToStart: () => void /** * Scrolls to the end of the list, automatically using vertical or horizontal scrolling based on the options. */ scrollToEnd: () => void } export interface UseVirtualListReturnsListItem<D> { /** * The original data item of the project. */ data: D /** * The original array index of the project. */ index: number } export type UseVirtualListReturns<D> = readonly [ /** * The array of items of the virtual list, i.e., the actual items that are being rendered, including the visible area and the additional rendering area. */ list: UseVirtualListReturnsListItem<D>[], /** * A collection of methods for operating the virtual list. */ UseVirtualListReturnsActions, ]