
A React Hook that allows you to manage the state history manually.


12/2/2024, 11:34:42 AM {"hash":"ABCDEF","count":0}


See API for more details.


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const history = useManualStateHistory(state, options)


Any serializable source state value to be record in the history.


export type UseManualStateHistoryOptions<Raw, Serialized = Raw> = { /** * The capacity of the history records * * @defaultValue Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY */ capacity?: number /** * Whether to clone the source state * * @defaultValue false */ clone?: boolean | CloneFn<Raw> /** * The throttle options * * @defaultValue undefined */ throttle?: number | UseThrottledFnOptions /** * The debounce options * * @defaultValue undefined */ debounce?: number | UseDebouncedFnOptions /** * The dump function to serialize the source state * * @defaultValue (v) => v */ dump?: (v: Raw) => Serialized /** * The parse function to deserialize the serialized state * * @defaultValue (v) => v */ parse?: (v: Serialized) => Raw }

UseThrottledFnOptions is th options of useThrottledFn, see useThrottledFn.

UseDebouncedFnOptions is th options of useDebouncedFn, see useDebouncedFn.


export type UseRefHistoryRecord<T> = { /** * The serialized snapshot */ snapshot: T /** * The timestamp */ timestamp: number } export type UseManualStateHistoryReturns<Raw, Serialized> = { /** * The source state */ source: Raw /** * The history records */ history: UseRefHistoryRecord<Serialized>[] /** * The last history record */ last: UseRefHistoryRecord<Serialized> /** * The undo stack */ undoStack: UseRefHistoryRecord<Serialized>[] /** * The redo stack */ redoStack: UseRefHistoryRecord<Serialized>[] /** * Whether can undo or redo */ canUndo: boolean /** * Whether can redo or undo */ canRedo: boolean /** * Undo the last change */ undo(): void /** * Redo the last change */ redo(): void /** * Clear all history records */ clear(): void /** * Commit the current source state to history */ commit(): void }