A React Hook that allows you to create a dropzone.
Try to drop a PNG file from your computer, or just test the over state via image below.
SourceDrop files here

(The photo below is merely a image, NOT a file. You need to drop files here from your explorer to see files list)
No files dropped 🤷
See API for more details.
Click links below to view source on GitHub.
const { isOverDropZone, files } = useDropZone(elementTarget, options)
is a union type that represents various kinds of elements that can be targeted.
See ElementTarget or ElementTarget Types for more details.
export type UseDropZoneOptions = {
* The file types that are accepted by the drop zone.
dataTypes?: string[] | ((types: readonly string[]) => boolean)
* A callback that is called when the user drops files in the drop zone.
onDrop?: (files: File[] | null, event: DragEvent) => void
* A callback that is called when the user drags files over the drop zone.
onEnter?: (files: File[] | null, event: DragEvent) => void
* A callback that is called when the user drags files out of the drop zone.
onLeave?: (files: File[] | null, event: DragEvent) => void
* A callback that is called when the user drags files over the drop zone.
onOver?: (files: File[] | null, event: DragEvent) => void
export type UseDropZoneReturns = {
* The files that were dropped in the drop zone.
files: File[] | null
* Whether the user is currently dragging files over the drop zone.
isOverDropZone: boolean