
A React Hook that helps format dates into readable "time ago" strings. By default, it updates this "time ago" string every 30 seconds automatically.


EN Result 1:
2 years ago
EN Result 2:
3 months ago
EN Result 3:
4 days ago
EN Result 4:
5 hours ago
EN Result 5:
6 minutes ago
EN Result 6:
just now
EN Result 7:
in 6 minutes
EN Result 8:
in 5 hours
EN Result 9:
in 4 days
EN Result 10:
in 3 months
EN Result 11:
in 2 years
CN Result 1:
2 年前
CN Result 2:
3 个月前
CN Result 3:
4 天前
CN Result 4:
5 小时前
CN Result 5:
6 分钟前
CN Result 6:
CN Result 7:
6 分钟后
CN Result 8:
5 小时后
CN Result 9:
4 天后
CN Result 10:
3 个月后
CN Result 11:
2 年后
CN Traditional Result 1:
2 年前
CN Traditional Result 2:
3 個月前
CN Traditional Result 3:
4 天前
CN Traditional Result 4:
5 小時前
CN Traditional Result 5:
6 分鐘前
CN Traditional Result 6:
CN Traditional Result 7:
6 分鐘後
CN Traditional Result 8:
5 小時後
CN Traditional Result 9:
4 天後
CN Traditional Result 10:
3 個月後
CN Traditional Result 11:
2 年後
JP Result 1:
2 年前
JP Result 2:
3 ヶ月前
JP Result 3:
4 日前
JP Result 4:
5 時間前
JP Result 5:
6 分前
JP Result 6:
JP Result 7:
6 分後
JP Result 8:
5 時間後
JP Result 9:
4 日後
JP Result 10:
3 ヶ月後
JP Result 11:
2 年後


const timeAgo = useTimeAgo(dateLike, options) const targetDate = new Date() - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 // yesterday const timeAgo = useTimeAgo(targetDate) console.log(timeAgo) // "yesterday" // Custom language, here using Simplified Chinese import { CHINESE_MESSAGES } from '@shined/react-use' const timeAgoInChinese = useTimeAgo(targetDate, { messages: CHINESE_MESSAGES }) console.log(timeAgoInChinese) // "昨天"

Currently, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, and Japanese are built in. If needed, you can customize via options.messages. Below is a simple example of formatting in Chinese:

/** * Default messages for Chinese Simplified language */ export const CHINESE_MESSAGES: TimeAgoMessages<TimeAgoUnitNamesDefault> = { justNow: '刚刚', past: (n) => (n.match(/\d/) ? `${n}前` : n), future: (n) => (n.match(/\d/) ? `${n}后` : n), month: (n, past) => (n === 1 ? (past ? '上个月' : '下个月') : `${n} 个月`), year: (n, past) => (n === 1 ? (past ? '去年' : '明年') : `${n} 年`), day: (n, past) => (n === 1 ? (past ? '昨天' : '明天') : `${n} 天`), week: (n, past) => (n === 1 ? (past ? '上周' : '下周') : `${n} 周`), hour: (n) => `${n} 小时`, minute: (n) => `${n} 分钟`, second: (n) => `${n} 秒`, invalid: '', }


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const timeAgo = useTimeAgo(dateLike, options) const { timeAgo, ...pausable } = useTimeAgo(dateLike, { controls: true, ...otherOptions })


// Similar to new Date(), 1_612_137_600_000, '2021-01-01', undefined, null export type DateLike = Date | number | string | undefined | null


export type FormatTimeAgoOptions<UnitNames extends string = TimeAgoUnitNamesDefault> = { /** * Maximum unit (millisecond difference), beyond which will display the full date instead of relative time * * @defaultValue undefined */ max?: UnitNames | number /** * Formatter for the full date */ fullDateFormatter?: TimeAgeFullDateFormatter /** * Messages for formatting strings */ messages?: TimeAgoMessages<UnitNames> /** * The smallest displayed time unit (default is minute) * * @defaultValue false */ showSecond?: boolean /** * Rounding method applied. * * @defaultValue 'round' */ rounding?: 'round' | 'ceil' | 'floor' | number /** * Custom units */ units?: TimeAgoUnit<UnitNames>[] } export interface UseTimeAgoOptions<Controls extends boolean, UnitNames extends string = TimeAgoUnitNamesDefault> extends FormatTimeAgoOptions<UnitNames> { /** * Exposes additional controls * * @defaultValue false */ controls?: Controls /** * Update interval, set to 0 to disable automatic updates * * @defaultValue 30_000 */ updateInterval?: number }


The return value includes a Pausable instance that can be paused and resumed.

For more details, please refer to Pausable.

export type UseTimeAgoReturns<Controls extends boolean = false> = Controls extends true ? { timeAgo: string } & Pausable : string